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How to connect multiple operators' networks to the same LAN?

[Author:纤亿通]  [Date:2022-04-01]  [Clicks:1915] 

We all know that there are three major operators today, and each operator builds networks independently, so at a certain time in a certain area, there will be such a situation: one operator's broadband is cut off, but the other's broadband is still available. Can normally access the Internet.

    Therefore, some people will ask whether the corporate office network can be connected to multiple operators' networks at the same time, and one of them is disconnected, and the other operators' networks can continue to be used. The answer is yes, how is it achieved? Let's listen to the answer from Fibertone engineers.

    The easiest way is to set up the networks of two operators at the same time, and build two local area networks at the same time. Normally, only one local area network is used, and the other local area network is used as a backup. However, it is obvious that the cost will increase exponentially, and the equipment will be numerous, maintenance will be relatively troublesome, and the network speed will not be improved.

    Another way is to divide the office staff into two parts and use a local area network respectively. Although this method relieves the pressure on the Internet to a certain extent and improves the speed of the Internet, this method does not actually solve the situation of dual backup. Once one of the LANs is disconnected from the Internet, all relevant office personnel will not be able to access the Internet. So it is not advisable. In fact, it is very simple to solve the above problems. The engineers of Fibrelink will tell you a coup. You only need to configure an enterprise-level router with multiple WAN ports to solve it. An enterprise-level router with multiple WAN ports can access the bandwidth of different operators at the same time. It only needs to build a local area network under the router to use two different bandwidths at the same time. As long as the bandwidth of one of the operators is normal, you can access the Internet, and the router will do balanced processing, reasonably adjust the route of the LAN to access the Internet, and effectively improve the Internet speed.

    Fiberlink Technology is a comprehensive optical fiber network solution provider with rich experience in enterprise office network construction and can provide you with the best enterprise office network solutions.

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