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Telecom operator

Backbone Transmission

[来源:XYT-Minson]  [日期:2023-07-14]  [点击数:256] 
Backbone Transmission

The carrier's communication network can be divided as follows: backbone network + access network.
Backbone Network: A high-speed network used to connect multiple regions or regions.In each backbone network, there is at least one connection point in the network for interconnection with other backbone networks.

Different network providers (operators) have their own backbone to connect their networks in different regions.Common backbone networks of operators include national backbone networks and provincial backbone networks.

Brief description of programme description:
The national backbone network of operators are composed of many backbone long links and backbone ring networks, which have obvious characteristics such as the transmission traffic is large, the transmission distance is long, the service scheduling ability is strong, the performance of the equipment is high. SHARETOP developed a backbone transmission network mainly using XYT-OTN2800 optical transmission platform and OTN equipment .

Programme characteristics:
1.Support for ultra-large capacity transmission, single wave transmission 100G/200G/400G;
2. Support ultra-long distance transmission, single span can reach more than 160 km;
3. Support for loop and long link transmission;
4. Support multi-protection, dual backup of electrical service and dual route protection of optical layer;
5. Support in-band out-of-band network management , remote monitoring and configuration of equipment;
6. Support automatic dispersion compensation function and optical amplification function.

Success stories:
Telecommunications backbone network construction project in an African country;
SHARETOP can provide professional services from design to equipment supply and after-sales installation and commissioning. More customized solutions are welcome to consult!

  • 0755-27524940
  • 0755-27524036

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