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Telecom operator Case

Telecommunications backbone construction project in a country in Africa

[来源:XYT-Minson]  [日期:2023-07-14]  [点击数:550] 
Telecommunications backbone construction project in a country in Africa

Customer Background

Customer is a telecommunications operator in Africa, having a lot of operations in many countries in Africa, certainly famous in local .With the development of the business, the early 10G backbone network has been unable to meet the needs of business development.Now the customer needs to build a single wave 100G backbone network and a total of more than 600 kilometers of long-link transmission.

Operational Challenges

1. Adjacent business sites are far apart with a single span of about 160 km and the cumulative loss of fiber-optic lines is large;

2. Need to be compatible with equipment laid earlier in the period;

3. Need to provide on-site installation and commissioning services and poor construction environment in Africa;

4. The construction budget is low.


1. Using XYT-OTN2800 system to build backbone transmission network solution, not only can realize customer's transmission needs, but also can be compatible with equipment in early period, and construction cost is lower than other manufacturers;

2. SHARETOP sent technical engineers to Africa to help customers install and commission equipment until business was opened.

3. Provide the customer with training on the operation and maintenance of the equipment meanwhile.

Value Representation

1. Not only from solution design to product supply, but from installation and commissioning to training, SHARETOP provides customer with very complete quality service, and get high recognition from customer;

2. The XYT-OTN2800 system solution has saved more than 50% of the construction cost and won high praise from customer.

Related Products

1.XYT-OTN2800 SHARETOP Optical Transmission Platform

2.XYT-100G-CFP-DCO SHARETOP 100G Coherent Optical Module

3.XYT-SFP+-LR 10G SHARETOP Business Module

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