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首页> Telecom operator Case >Sichuan Radio And Television Metropolitan Area Network Wavelength Division Project

Telecom operator Case

Sichuan Radio And Television Metropolitan Area Network Wavelength Division Project

[来源:XYTSHARETOP]  [日期:2022-06-17]  [点击数:896] 
Radio and television, radio and television transmission, wavelength division transmission, wavelength division project

Customer Background

Sichuan cable radio and television network Co., Ltd. is one of the largest local radio and television network operators in China. The company will focus on the strategy of "high definition Sichuan smart radio and television" and build a comprehensive service operator integrating large video services, network operation services and home life services on the basis of network IP, platform integration and management informatization.

Based on this goal, many city and county branches under Sichuan Radio and television need to expand and upgrade the capacity of the used man. Therefore, the company in X city, Sichuan Province, as a leading demonstration site, contacted us for the project.

Business Challenges

1. X city has not used the wavelength division equipment before, and is not familiar with the equipment, so it has some doubts about the wavelength division scheme;

2. the newly launched equipment shall be compatible with other brands of equipment in the early stage, and the equipment stability shall be high;

3. limited budget.


1. adopt xyt-cwdm passive wavelength division system to build a metropolitan area network capacity expansion solution to quickly realize capacity expansion transmission;

2. begin to use the wavelength division expansion scheme in a small scale from a county company under city x, and then start to use it in a large scale from point to area;

3. the passive wavelength division equipment is easy to operate without power supply, and the equipment failure rate is low;

4. based on the existing technical personnel of the customer company, provide remote technical support to effectively reduce costs.

Value Embodiment

1. from scheme design to product supply, and then to after-sales remote technical support, we have provided customers with very complete high-quality services, which have been highly recognized by customers;

2. before large-scale use by customers, the sales manager and technical manager of xianyitong went to Sichuan to communicate with customers face-to-face about technical solutions and later operation and maintenance services, so as to give customers confidence;

3. provide 7x24 hours of online technical support services to make customers worry free after sales.

Related Products

1. XYT-DWDM-80CH-2R XYTSHARETOP Passive Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Equipment

2. XYT-SFP+DW-80 XYTSHARETOP10GColor Light Module

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  • 0755-27524036

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